While trying to Start the "Claims to Windows Token Service" we get the error in ULS Logs.
02/03/2011 19:20:50.61 w3wp.exe (0x2714) 0x20D4 SharePoint Foundation Topology 7034 Critical An attempt to start/stop instance of service Claims to Windows Token Service on server
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinTrust\Trust Providers\Software Publishing
Value = State
Radix= decimal
Change the value to '146944' to disable CRL checking.
I had this very problem and your solution worked perfectly. Thank you very much!
Absolutely perfect! This was hanging my configuration wizard on step 5 and immediately after updating the registry key the wizard completed successfully!
Many, many thanks to you!
Magnifico||||| solucion perfercta
Worked perfectly, thank you. Claims to Windows Token Service would not start on a server with no internet connection (because it was trying to check CRLs presumably). Now it works. Thank you again.
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